Keeping the planet safe is very important to us especially as a business. We have reduced our packaging majorly. This has impacted the way we package our products and has allowed an opportunity to include creativity. We have introduced many new systems into the business to make the world, our homes and lives a much more sustainable environment.
We used to wrap the soaps and scrubs in plastic wraps and containers. We realised that we wrap them up and then you go home and put the wrapping in the bin. This sparked an idea to get rid of this packaging all together. This is because its a waste of the earth resources to package our products in a harmful substance for “appeal and presentation”. We still want to make our products look beautiful but without damaging the earth. We came up with a few interesting and creative solutions to minimise the waste.
Recycling We now put our lip scrubs into reusable metal containers and instead of wrapping our soaps in plastic, we now do “naked” packaging. This means instead of using the plastic we now don’t do wrapping at all except for the label. This helps us to reduce worldwide waste especially for things like plastic. These metal containers and labels can be returned for a discount on future purchases. This helps us because we don’t need to go out and purchase new containers which put a strain on the earth’s resources. For every undamaged and in good condition, 8 soap labels or 5 lip scrub containers you get a free product. This is as a thank you for helping the environment thrive.
Creating When we create our products we stick to our rule; as little packaging as possible. So when we use the goats milk, plants, oils and other ingredients it has either none or very little packaging. Homegrown things are often used in the creation process of our products. The plants are all self grown, the oils are purchased through a company that has the same view as us, the other ingredients are all local and reusable. Such as the honey is local community honey that is in a reusable container.